Easter eggs and nature galore for holiday care!

We are delighted that Kidszone is open for Easter Holiday Care (6-16 April) and we have two weeks of fun activities for your children to enjoy. Children are grouped in bubbles of no more than 15 and participate in all the activities in their bubbles. 

Week 1 will have an Easter Theme with lots of 'egg activities' giant floor egg art, yarn and balloon easter eggs plus lots of edible creations with fun and nutritious food activity. Outdoors we have an easter egg hunt, relay races (including egg and spoon of course!) and other challenges involving balancing, jumping and catching to get everyone moving about. 

The highlight of the week is on Wednesday afternoon when we have a special Silent Easter Disco from Our Kids Social who specialise in group activities for children. The children will have dancing challenges to do and great music to accompany. All headsets are sanitised before and after use and each child gets their own labelled one for the disco. 

The second week has a Nature theme as spring is definitely in the air.  We will have lots of animal and plant based craft activities such as making our own soap with dried flowers, making animal footprints in clay, plant pot decorating, leaf and cyanotype printing (sun printing on blue paper) and again we will have food and nutrition activity such as fruit kebabs and vegetable muffins to make and bake. 

As our special activity for the week we will have a yoga expert visiting us to run animal themed yoga sessions with the children - all following Covid guidance of course.

Bookings are now being taken,  and as at today18 March we are nearly full for week 1 but lots of spaces still available for week 2. For full details see our holiday care page and you can enquire online here.

Please note that under current government restrictions Kidszone can only offer Easter holiday care for the reasons as set out in the latest Guidance for parents and carers of children attending out of school settings and we advise you to check the guidance prior to booking a place.