Easter 21 Holiday Care

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6 - 16 April 2021

Here's what we did over Easter this year.....

Week 1 - Easter Week 6-9 April 

During this week we had an Easter Theme for the activities making sun catchers, Easter bonnets, giant floor egg art, yarn and balloon easter eggs plus lots of edible creations with fun and nutritious food activity. Outdoors we had an easter egg hunt, relay races (including egg and spoon of course!) and other challenges involving balancing, jumping and catching to get everyone moving about. 

The highlight of the week is on Wednesday afternoon was a special Silent Easter Disco from Our Kids Social who specialise in group activities for children. We ran a very successful Covid safe Silent Disco in October half term and the children absolutely loved it so we thought we’d repeat it.  The children had dancing challenges to do and great music to accompany. All headsets were sanitised before and after use and each child got their own labelled one for the disco. 

Week 2 – Nature 12-16 April

The second week had a Nature theme as spring is definitely in the air.  We had lots of animal and plant based craft activities such as making our own soap with dried flowers, making animal footprints in clay, plant pot decorating, leaf and cyanotype printing (sun printing on blue paper) and again we had food and nutrition activity such as fruit kebabs and vegetable muffins to make and bake. Outdoors we went  bug hunting and bird spotting and did  some leaf identification. We made dens in our outdoor area, went on a scavenger hunt and met 'Hammo' the Withington Walls artist at the Scout Hut as the front of the hut was being painted as part of the Withington Walls project. We got to ask Hammo questions and he was very friendly.  

As our special activity for the week we had a yoga expert visiting us to run animal themed yoga sessions with the children. We’ve run yoga workshops before and they have been very popular – it helps the children to be active and calm at the same time! And of course we followed Covid safety guidance. 

We played lots of our games outdoors and we had gazebos in case of rain so the fun could continue outdoors. But even though we had a theme for the week, children could choose how much of the themed activities they joined in with and throughout each day there were toys, books, board games and lots of outdoor play equipment available. We split the indoor hall into two so we could have continuous separate safe spaces for the children and any shared equipment was cleaned before each use.